The farce of transgender laws

Biden's executive order requiring transgender women be allowed to compete in women’s sports, is like the Left taking a kindergarten game of pretend, and asking, "Who do you want to be right now?" One kid in the class says, “I want to be a fireman!” Another kid says, “I want to be an astronaut!” A little boy says, “I want to be a girl!” So then the teacher says, “You are what you want to be!” So the kids start acting like the things they want to be. Biden then discriminately decrees, that society must regard the fantasy of one these children as real, while the rest of the children: their fantasies can be regarded as unreal. Further, Biden effectively contends, that the First Amendment right of children and other individuals thinking they are a different sex from the one they are objectively, trumps the First Amendment right of all other American citizens, who think they are the sex stated objectively by science.

So while Biden and others on the Left try to frame acceptance of transgender delusional thinking as a civil right, on careful examination, forced acceptance of this thinking, is seen to be in fact a violation of Americans’ first Amendment right, as well as the Equal Protection clause. (If Americans must regard a fantasy of certain individuals as real, Americans must also regard every fantasy of every individual, to be real.)

Patmore Douglas 1/24/2021 8:45:00 PM
